Sunday, February 19, 2012

A New Button!

Last Sunday was quite eventful!  While Waverly was having her afternoon feed, I heard a strange noise that I knew was a stomach noise, and looked down to notice her feeding tube had come out of her stomach!  My family was visiting for the day, so after shooing everyone to go upstairs, we called the GI doctor on call and had him paged.  Since I wasn't sure how long it'd take him to call back, we went ahead and got out her new Mic-Key button kit, and I gloved up and went ahead and put the new button in!  The funny thing is, she had an appointment that Thursday with the GI doctor in which we were going to put a new one in.  Silly girl just didn't want to those extra 4 days!  I knew that eventually I would do it myself at home, but I was hoping to be able to see the doctor do it for the first time at least, and I didn't want to have to do it in an emergency situation.  But, it all worked out.  Johnny was right there to help and together we got her new button in just fine.  Yeah team! 

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