Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Seizure Update

Waverly had an EEG yesterday afternoon. The results are that there was an increase in myoclonic seizure activity, but also an increase in normal brain activity as well. It was just a message, so I'm not sure exactly what that second part means since I wasn't able to ask. But it does explain the increase in seizures we've seen. We are to increase her Keppra dose from 1.5mL twice a day to 2.5mL twice a day, and report back to him in a week. So, we will continue to wait and see. They said the EEG did not show an Infantile Spasm pattern, which is good. Those are the really damaging kind of seizures. However, I am still concerned as she has just not been herself the past several days. She seems to be having seizures especially at nighttime the past few nights, so if you think of her, please pray for her then in particular. Last night she got so upset by them that she screamed for over an hour until she threw up, but then went to sleep. We'll see what this increase in Keppra does to hopefully help keep the seizures at bay a little more.

Also, she seems to be fighting some kind of cold or virus. She's been kind of snotty and her eyes are watery. Like I said earlier, she just hasn't been herself since Friday, although I did see a little smile from her earlier today (the first one since Sunday morning). Pray for that sweet little smile to come back to us.

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