So, August just seems to be a crummy month for our girl. One year ago at this very same time of the month, we were in the ER with Waverly with pnemonia. (We were able to avoid a hospital stay that time.) Two years ago she was also in the hospital, a very sick girl. Three years ago we were dealing with ear infections. After battling a UTI for two weeks (due to the wrong treatment the first go-round), she woke up on Friday morning struggling to breathe and very junky. So, after a visit to the ER Friday afternoon, she was admitted to the PICU for pneumonia. She's had a fever, low sats, trouble breathing, and not tolerating her food. In Waverly fashion, she's making some improvements, with some setbacks along the way. She seems to be doing a little better today, tolerating a few hours on her nasal cannula with 3 liters of oxygen, but needing her bipap most of the time so she's not working so hard to breathe. We just started her feeds back today, at a very slow rate, and are working on weaning her off the bipap use to being on her cannula more. Please pray for her, that she would continue to improve, and that she'd be able to come back home soon!

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