Saturday, January 31, 2015

UVA on Monday

Just a quick update to let you know that we contacted the neurologist this past week about Waverly's continued struggle with seizures, and he worked in an appointment for her early Monday morning. Please pray for safety on the road, and for wisdom for the doctors and us as we try to determine the best way to help her. She's been having hard seizures several times each day, and many more "smaller" ones as well.


  1. Wish you All Good Luck for appointment.
    Wish you Congratulations with your new home.
    Wish you all the best to find rent/buy for your old home.
    Will pray for Waverly..

  2. Hi, our son has MDS too, we are from Poland. I read Your blog and I pray for Waverly. Our son, Adam, had a lot of seizures. We started therapy with aminoacids and it helped a little. Adas has less seizures and they are weeker and shorter. I have no idea if it could help Waverly and if it used in Your country, but maybe it worth to try. It is www of doctor who cures our son, maybe You want to read about it:
    I wish You all the best.
    PS. If You want to contact us or meet our son we invite You on
