So, here we are at the hospital again. Waverly has had a sharp increase in seizures lately, and the past week, especially the past few days, have been particularly hard. After debating what to do (and being very unsure), we brought her in to the ER yesterday to get her checked out and try to get some help. They decided to admit her, and after feeling like I was in between and trying to pacify several doctors with differing views who weren't talking to each other, we finally got a plan.

After having an almost 20 minute seizure last night and needing Ativan through her IV, she stopped. She had many more seizures that night until she went to bed.
Today has been all about waiting. They have her on the schedule to get an MRI, so we are just waiting for them to have room for her. Some things you can pray for:
-that she can have the MRI without sedation and be still enough for a valid test
-for protection if she does end up needing sedation
-for wisdom/answers in how to help treat her seizures and how to proceed
We will pray for her & your family. I believe all will be well.