Monday, October 28, 2013

Crazy week

I am a little late in posting this. For some reason it can be difficult to update on time!  Two weeks ago Waverly got really sick with a respiratory bug on Sunday and Monday. She had a really high temperature and high respiration rate (over 70 breaths per minute!). We thankfully were able to get some meds started and antibiotics and she stabilized and we were able to keep her home. Within 24 hours, she was smiling while on the bipap. Silly girl!  

Then on Thursday afternoon, we noticed she had a blown pupil, in which her one pupil was dilated and non- reactive to light, while the other one was fine. Although she was acting fine, after much deliberation, we decided to take her in to get checked out and get a CT scan. I was honestly pretty scared because of the possibilities (doctors were saying things like brain bleed, brain herniation, and making preparations). 

Thankfully, her scans looked fine (for her...) and we think she may have gotten one of her nebulized medications in her eye, causing her pupil to dilate. They kept her overnight in the PICU to observe her and make sure though. 

Of course, when you hear things like the doctors were saying and wondering if "this was finally it", it was hard to process. I am thankful that we didn't get the bad news they were fearing and that we continue to get to enjoy time with our sweet girl. 

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