Friday, December 14, 2012


Waverly has her first pneumonia...

On Thursday she woke up with a fever.  It came down with Motrin, but that evening she spiked another fever, close to 103!  Amazingly she didn't seize with it.  We gave her more Motrin, and she drifted off to sleep, but woke up a couple of hours later coughing a choking and burning hot with fever, and it was rising really fast.  It got close to 104, and she was shivering and struggling to breathe, so we prepared quickly to take her to the ER.  She then had an apnic/non-breathing seizure, and given the way she was looking with her shaking and coloring being really bad, we called 911 to get an ambulance to take her in.  That was around midnight.  We spent the night in the ER getting her stabilized and getting tests done (blood, urine, chest x-ray, etc.) and they confirmed shortly after that she has pneumonia.  It took a while for her fever to come down even with being treated here, but finally this morning it started to respond to medication.  She's now on IV antibiotics, fluids, aggressive breathing treatments, etc.  She will probably be in for several days, but already she is looking better.  She's been sleeping most of the day, and we're hoping she sleeps well for the night too. I've not been feeling well (have a cold or something I've been fighting), and after two weeks of not sleeping much due to her illness and being up all night with her in the ER, I am feeling it.  So please pray also that I can rest some and that my body will be strong to help Waverly be strong.  Thanks for the prayers!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a big journey. But we will pray that she does well and relaxed. Hope you guyz also get some rest in between. Just pray all is well.
