Monday, May 16, 2011

Surgery scheduled

Before Waverly comes home, there are a few things she has to do: breathe on her own, hold her body temperature, and eat and show growth. She's doing the first two fabulously, so we are just waiting to get her eating straightened out. She had a swallow study last Friday, which showed she was respirating when she was drinking a bottle, so they placed a feeding tube back in through her nose (she'd had one before that they had taken out). It's called an NG tube, and was placed until we could get her scheduled for surgery to get a gastrosomy tube (g tube) placed in her stomach for her feedings. We have that tentatively scheduled for Wednesday at 11:15a.m. In the meantime, here are some pictures showing how she's been "eating" through her NG tube (it's the tube taped to her face going in through her nose, down into her stomach). They attach a syringe filled with milk to it, and hang it up for it to drain into the tube and into her stomach. (See the tube attached to the chair beside Johnny).
Mama taking a turn during a feeding.

The g tube makes me nervous, but I've heard from others who's children have them, and they say they are great. Bottle/breast feeding is definitely a danger for her, so this will be a great thing for her in the long run, and as we learn about the g tube, I'm sure we'll agree that it's actually quite easy. Please remember to keep our girl in your prayers on Wednesday morning!


  1. She looks so tiny and beautiful in Johnny's arms. Love you guys!


  2. Cristen - She is precious. Beautiful!! And what an awesome family she has. We'll be praying for Waverly & for you guys.

  3. Sink family- GREAT blog posts. So informative and personal at the same time...We are praying continually for all of the Sinks, the doctors, nurses, etc.. I hope this blog can be therapeutic and encouraging for you to work on, too. =) Erica Moseley

  4. Thanks for sharing, Cristen: I love all the pictures! And I'm thrilled that you already have the g tube scheduled...praying it will be definite (rather than tentative) and that it will enable Waverly to get her eating all figured out and be able to join ya'll at home soon. Love to you all!!

  5. thanks for posting this. so precious to see her in yall's arms!

  6. Great job on the blog Cristen. What a precious picture of her in Johnny's strong arms. Very precious. We love you all.

  7. Cristen, The NG tube we are quite familiar with as well. Abbie had it for two weeks at 2 months when she was at CHOP for Infant Botulism. It's not preferred, but it does the trick! You are doing great and are in our prayers. ~Mary
