Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Christmas reflections ad pictures

Oh Christmas Day. Such a magical and exciting time for children (and exhausting time for parents!). Such a wonderful time to enjoy life. To indulge in good food. To spend extra time and attention on others. To savor time together. And savor we did. 

Earlier in the year, we had several instances where Waverly was very sick and things were uncertain. If I'm being honest, I wasn't sure that she would make it to Christmas. She was very sick and things could have gone either way. 

But obviously she did make it. And she was healthy this year! And, well, as you can probably tell from the lack of blog posts (even more than usual!), we thoroughly enjoyed the season. 

Holidays can be difficult for me. Any times of transition or memory are hard actually. It's hard not to think the "what ifs". To wonder if this will be our lady Christmas all together. To wonder what this new year will hold for Waverly and our family. But it's also a reminder of the many many blessings we have. Not just in another year and another holiday with our girl. But with all of our family and friends. Of all that God had been faithful in this past year. Even when things have been hard. And then I can look ahead to this new year and know that no matter what it brings, God's goodness and love will carry us once again. 

I love how Christmas is a celebration of Jesus. In a way, it brings everything to a culmination, all of life both past and present and future. No matter what happens, the pain and trials and struggle, Jesus came to bring salvation and redemption. He will make it all right again. Even in His coming all those years ago, there was a tainting of sadness as His coming was ultimately to die. But in that death comes life, True Life. Oh that we would each grasp that truth and hold on to it dearly through the whole year. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to Your family.

    What a lovely pictures. God bless you all. I like the way kids loving Waverly. Beautiful..

    God Bless waverly.
