Saturday, October 27, 2012


This past Wednesday we finally were able to head up to UVA for Urology.  She started with urodynamics, which is a study of how the bladder is working, including pressures, etc.  Then she had an ultrasound of her bladder and kidneys.  And finally we got to see the doctor.  The results are basically that all of Waverly's anatomy and functioning are normal.  Which is good news, except that we still don't know  why she continues to have all these UTI's (6 now in 8 months).  So, the doctor wants us to start catheterizing her every day, to help her bladder drain fully, and see if that helps.  If not, then we will add a bladder wash when we cath, and finally we will add an antibiotic solution to the bladder wash if needed.  So, the nurses taught us how to cath in the office, and sent us home with supplies and nerves.  :) 

I gave Waverly a couple of days off since she'd been cathed several times that day, and tried it for the first time at home tonight.  The doctor also wants to get an MRI of her spine to check for a tethered cord, something that I've been asking to check for several months now.  I'm glad that somebody finally agrees with me to get it done.  So hopefully that will happen within the next few months. 

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