Monday, November 21, 2011
She's Back!!!
We had such a blessing today--Waverly's smile came back! She had been smiling a little in her sleep the past few days, so we were hopeful that the awake smiles would follow at some point. This morning after she woke up, she seemed like she was almost there, and then broke out her sunshiney grin. Immediately everything stopped and I couldn't get enough of her! There she was smiling as I was crying! It was such a sweet, sweet moment. We're not sure what to expect day to day, but this was certainly such a treat and a blessing, and we are so thankful for her smiles today, and hopeful that we'll continue to see more. Just in time for Thanksgiving too!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Waverly's 1/2 Birthday Party!
We were so blessed last weekend to celebrate Waverly's 1/2 Birthday with many friends and family! We had an excellent turn out, and it was such a joy to celebrate a special milestone with our sweet girl! So many people came together to help make the party so much fun by providing food, decorations, and an amazing cake setup! Waverly got to meet some family members for the first time, including her Great-Grandma, which was very special! We also enjoyed a time of praying for our sweet girl, and so appreciated the many prayers offered on her behalf. We took lots of pictures; here are just a "few"!
Four generations of beauty!
Prayer time.
Kisses from Grandpa!
Tired from a full afternoon of partying!
Four generations of beauty!
Prayer time.
Kisses from Grandpa!
Tired from a full afternoon of partying!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Follow-up EEG
Last week we had a follow-up appointment at UVA for a four-hour EEG and consult with the neurologist. Her EEG was much improved, confirming the fact that her Infantile Spasms, and other seizures, are much better/gone for now! We are so thankful for the excellent results. The doctor was also very pleased with her response to treatment so far. We will continue to be in close touch with him up there, as well as keep close monitoring of her here with doctor's appointments to check blood pressure, electrolytes, weight, glucose, etc. Now we are just waiting for her personality to return to us as we continue the medication course (we are in the process of decreasing the dose every 5 days till she finishes up on December 8th). Once she finishes, the doctor said there is a 30-40% chance of the IS returning. So we will of course keep a close eye on her and will treat with a different medication if that happens (to give her body a rest from the steroids).
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
6 Months Old!!!!
Our little girl is HALF A YEAR OLD!!!! We are so excited to celebrate this milestone with our big girl!
Waverly had many firsts this past month. Her first seizures (as far as we know), her first trip to the Emergency Room:
Her first hospital stay:

Her first Halloween:
Her first time at Grammy and Grandpa's house (and meeting Maddie the dog):

On our trip up there she enjoyed snuggling with her Grandpa on his 50th birthday!

She also had her first experience seeing snow (on our visit to Bridgewater), voting, wearing leg warmers, and tasting ice cream.
These pictures are from today, comparing her in the stroller today:

And her at one month old, in the stroller for the first time. Can you tell she's grown?

Again, her in the carseat today:

...and at 3 months old.
...and at one month old, the day she came home from the hospital.
She now weighs 12lbs 13oz! She has quite the chub on her, with little rolls on her arms and legs. She wears size 3-6 month clothes mostly, although she's still in some 0-3 month pants and can wear some 9 month shirts. She's still only in the 5-10th percentiles for her height, weight, and head, but she's proportionate for her body, and cute as a button! Unfortunately, because of the seizures, we have lost her smile for now. We are praying that it comes back very soon. She also doesn't "talk" much any more, but we feel like the past week or so we have seen a little more of "her" behind her eyes, so we are hopeful that she will regain those skills. She's now been seizure free (at least from the Infantile Spasms) for one week!!! She is still working on her head control with physical therapy, and has started speech therapy as well. Because of the new seizure meds, she isn't sleeping the greatest, and is often awake at various points in time during the night (sometimes for a long stretch). She still doesn't have much of a schedule during the day, but we're ok with that since we are always on the go with various doctor's appointments and family activities! She does really well when we go out, and is a trooper in her carseat, on trips, on errands, etc. She is still the apple of our eye, and we are so in love with our sweet little girl. Happy 6 months, baby! We love you!!!
Waverly had many firsts this past month. Her first seizures (as far as we know), her first trip to the Emergency Room:
Her first Halloween:
These pictures are from today, comparing her in the stroller today:
Again, her in the carseat today:
...and at 3 months old.

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