Thursday, June 9, 2011

One Month Old-birth story

Yesterday Waverly was one month old! I have some pics to share, but can't find the cord to connect the camera. And since she's not doing much yet to update on, I figured I'd write out her birth story instead! One quick stat for her one-month day is that she now weighs 5lbs 12oz! She's growing slowly but surely!

Warning: if you get grossed out or embarrassed by birth things, continue reading at your own risk!!! :)

Birth Story
At my appointment two days after I was 36 weeks, my OB announced her plan to induce me at 37 weeks. (Until then, she'd said they didn't want me to go past 39 weeks, so I was planning on sometime that week.) I was shocked and then went spinning into hardcore nesting/preparation mode for the week. (That was a MOnday, and I was to be admitted Friday evening.)

On Friday they admitted me to the hospital to start Cervidil to help "ripen" my cervix since I wasn't really dilated any. They next morning they started Pitocin. The contractions were regular but not too intense for most of the day, coming every few minutes. As the day continued, I'd have to breathe deeply through them, but could handle them ok. By mid-afternoon, however, the intensity picked up. I was also grouchy and bored since I was stuck to an IV pole and monitors (for baby) all day, and only allowed to eat Jell-o and popsicles. The contractions were getting quite uncomfortable, so I went ahead and got some pain meds through my IV (fentenel sp?), at about 3p.m. Almost immediately I felt the effects and got really loopy and spacey. I drifted in and out of sleep for a while. I woke up around 5:00, when they came in to check me. I was only 1cm dilated after all that, and was crushed. I'd had in my mind that the baby was coming on Saturday, and was so disappointed that after 24 hours of being in the hospital and going through all that, I'd made such little progress. I also really liked the doctor who was working that day, and was disappointed that he probably wouldn't be the one to deliver since he got off at 7:00 the next morning. The plan was to go ahead and stop the Pitocin, let me eat (finally!), and then do another dose of Cervidil overnight. Then they'd start Pitocin the next morning (Sunday) and go from there.

I went ahead and ate dinner, then they let me walk around for a while before having to get back in bed to stay once they placed the Cervidil. As I walked around the halls, the contractions continued to come pretty hard and steady. I had to stop every couple of minutes to breathe through them. I was encouraged that my body seemed to be picking up on what we were trying to get it to do (go into labor!). At 7:00 they inserted the Cervidil, and it was time for me to be in bed and on monitors again. The contractions were still coming, but seemed to have spaced out and lessened in intensity some. Johnny and I hung out for a few hours that night, then I sent him home for the night for a good night's sleep till the next morning. They gave me some Ambien to help me sleep and asked if I wanted more pain meds for the contractions. I declined, figuring that the Ambien should be enough, and went to sleep. I woke up at 2:30a.m. in considerable pain with the contractions, and asked for the pain meds then. I really wanted to get a good night's sleep for labor the next day...

I got the meds at 3:00, and by 3:30 still didn't feel any relief (as opposed to the previous time when they knocked my out!). At that point, I figured this may actually be "it"! At 4:00, the nurse came in to check me, and I was dilated to 4cm! I texted Johnny and told him to come on in. The nurse called for the anesthesiologist, and I got up to use the bathroom before I was too numb to stand. (We had planned on getting the epidural this time in case we ended up needing an emergency c-section since we had a greater risk of needing one due to concerns with baby.) When I came back to bed, I mentioned to the nurse that I felt like I needed to "go" to the bathroom (if you know what I mean...). Well, that really got things into action quick! (Usually if you have that feeling, you are about ready to push!) She ran into the hall and called for help. The anesthesiologist was there quick, and I texted Johnny to hurry. The contractions were fast and strong! I got my epidural around 4:30, and Johnny arrived at about 4:45. The doctor came in a little after 5:00 to check me, and I was at 6cm! He broke my water around 5:30 (maybe a little later?). That was quite interesting because of all the extra fluid I had. I literally watched my belly deflate and shrink! After he broke my water, I immediately dilated from 6cm to 10cm! They waited just a little bit to get the nursery staff in there, then gave me the go ahead to push. I pushed a few times, and she was here!

Born at 6:23a.m. on Sunday, May 8th (Mother's Day!), 5lbs 5.4oz, and 18.75 inches long. I was so thankful not to have to have Pitocin again, and that the doctor that I liked was able to deliver (30 minutes before he was supposed to get off!). We were surprised she was a girl! They gave her to me to hold right away, but had to take her after a few minutes because she was having a little trouble breathing (probably because of all the fluid I had). They took her off to the NICU for testing while they finished with me (I had a small 1st degree tear). She was definitely the easiest birth as far as actual birth goes, but has been a whirlwind ever since! We praise God for His timing in her birth, and for her safe arrival!

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