Saturday, June 9, 2012

Another UTI

On Wednesday I decided to take a urine sample from Waverly into the doctor to get tested, even though she'd had a urinalysis just last week.  Since she was cathed twice last week on Wednesday, I figured it was good to check again, especially since she was still having so many seizures.  They had checked her urine last Thursday but since she was still seizing, I went ahead and took another sample in.

I talked to the doctor yesterday, and her urine did grow bacteria again.  I'm a little confused because she has been on a prophylactic antibiotic since her last UTI, so she should have been protected, but apparently it didn't work, so now she's got another one.  That's about all the info I have.  I should hear from them today a little more info, like what it grew and if the antibiotic she's on will treat it.  In the meantime, we have upped her prophylactic antibiotic to a full dose.  I'm not sure if we'll be seeing a urologist now since she's obviously still having troubles or what. 

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